vikki's blog

In Labor and In Chains: Shawanna Nelson Speaks Out Against Shackling During Delivery

from Rising from the Ashes
Click here for a video of Shawanna Nelson speaking on her experience of being inhumanely chained and denied pain management during the delivery of her son Jordan in 2003. As a result of her experience she brought suit against the Arkansas Department of Correction and the CO who chained her.

Stop the Conversion of Valley State Prison from a Women's to a Men's Prison

Please sign the petition and then let others know.

Achieving Reproductive Justice for Incarcerated Women (a resource guide by SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW)

SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW is dedicated to creating the resources that we need to build and strengthen communities fighting for reproductive justice in Georgia and through the South.

New Edition coming out Fall 2012!

Resistance Behind Bars is going into a second printing! The new edition will be out in Fall 2012.

New claims in lawsuit over pregnant woman who died in jail

Monday, December 19, 2011

"Shattered Families" ARC's report about the Intersection of Immigration Enforcement and Child Welfare

  • There are at least 5,100 children currently living in foster care who are prevented from uniting with their detained or deported parents.
  • If nothing changes, 15,000 more children may face a similar fate in the next 5 years.
  • This is a growing national problem, not one confined to border jurisdictions or states-- the Applied Research Center identified at least 22 states where these cases have emerged.
  • Families are more likely to be separated where local police aggressively participate in immigration enforcement

the other part of abolition (a video interview with correct link!)

is developing strategies and options to ensure that everyone can be safe and live free of violence without having to call in the police or prison system.

When I sent the manuscript of Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles Of Incarcerated Women to PM Press, I knew that, if I didn't have some other big project to keep me occupied, I would drive myself up the wall waiting for edits and responses.

Obama's first commutation for a federal prisoner

Obama issues his first commutation to federal prisoner

Can prisons take care of pregnant women?

Community Voices: Can prisons take care of pregnant women?
Rachel Roth
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