four women who should be out of California prisons

The Supreme Court recently ruled that California has to reduce the number of state prisoners by at least 30,000, in response to overcrowding.

Here's one (of many) way(s) that California can do so: Release the people inside who clearly clearly clearly do not need to be inside prison!

The California Coalition for Women Prisoners has petitions up for 4 women who have been found eligible for parole but are awaiting the governor's approval.

Elizabeth Dial has spent 11 years in prison and is up for parole for a third time. While in prison, she maintained "an outstanding disciplinary record" and has solid parole plans as well as family and community support.

Tania Vargas has been active in helping herself and others heal from the violence they experienced through the group Convicted Women Against Abuse. She too has solid parole plans and family support.

Jasmine Brand was sentenced as an adult to prison at the age of 16 (Remember the mistakes you made at 16?) and has spent 13 years behind bars. She has co-founded the Juvenile Offenders Committee and has worked with young women, both inside and out, to heal from violence and trauma.

Joanne Marchetti has been an inspiration to many women incarcerated at the California Institute for Women. Her family, including her son from whom she has been separated for many years, is eagerly waiting her release.

To support these women, go here and sign these petitions: